- My boys absolutely loved coming down the stairs to these two very LARGE inflatable snowmobiles under the tree last year. They make a huge impact! The price point is great and includes both the red and blue snowmobiles. My husband and I even joined the kids and had just as much fun cruising down the hill on these as they did! We are very excited to use them again this winter!
2. An electronic safe. My kid’s favorite part about a hotel is always the safe! They love to create the combination and lock things away. As soon as I saw this electronic safe, I knew it would be a favorite toy in our home.

3. A Bug Vacuum Gun. Another top toy in our home that has been around for almost two years now! They are always using this vacuum to suck up and explore bugs. There is a second chamber with a magnifying glass to explore the bugs up close and personal. Than whenever they’re ready to let the bug go, they can simply just detach the nozzle.
4. Super Looms! These are so much fun to make and the kids LOVE them. My son made himself a necklace and pretty soon all the boys in our neighborhood were wearing the super looms. They remind me of the older rope necklaces that baseball players used to wear. He has since made lots of key chains as well!